
Welcome to the forum. We focus on computer and network security as well as reverse engineering - you should sign up to see content and better yet participate. There is no payment, credits system, reply-to-reveal, or any of that here. We want quality over quantity. This is an experiment and the idea is to build a good natured and mature/professional community. Please be kind and share! Thanks.

  • ⚠️ Even if sourced from us, never blindly trust cracked software. Always utilize isolated environments (like Docker or VMs) without internet access and deny local network access. Thoroughly review scripts before execution to protect not only yourself but also your friends, family, and colleagues. Stay secure! ⚠️
  • For your information, we no longer host files on “” but on “”.
    So, be careful and do not trust the links on “” if it should come back (since the registrar has set it "inactive" due to false information from the .cloud top level domain and we consider it gone.) The hosting is not a problem this was just domain registrar nonsense.

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